Friday 1 June 2012

Laurel Falls Hike

No blog about my life would be complete without at least a little mention of this hike.

Just in the month of May alone I did this hike 4 times. Yesterday we went with some girls from church and had a grand time. Monica had made banana bread and kettle corn, so we even had snacks, which was a delicious treat (usually we don't bother to bring so much as water bottles).

Here we are at the beginning of the hike

Hiking along the stream

The destination! Laurel Falls. It was surprisingly lower than I expected it to be, despite heavy rain two nights before. Just a few weeks earlier, it had looked like this: 

Us girls at the falls (minus Sarah, who is behind the camera)

And then we found a blacksnake! 
Adventures all around... lovely times!

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