Sunday 24 June 2012

Outing to Estes Park

After church we took about an hour drive to Estes Park, where we visited a lake in the mountains, ate lunch, and had a short hike.

We made quite a large group eating lunch!

The day was cloudy, which was unusual for Colorado, but the scenery was still beautiful!

We were at our stopping point on the hike when I climbed up on a rock and got this picture. Then we had a time of prayer and sang Amazing Grace and the Doxology. It was so beautiful to hear our voices harmonizing in praise to our God out in the splendor of His creation.

After our hike, we went back down to the town of Estes Park, which is fairly touristy and has lots of fun shops. Some of the girls and I went to a lovely ice cream shop, where I got fudge and everyone else got a cone. Yummy! Later we went to a coffee shop together and hung out while sipping yummy chai tea lattes and other happy drinks. It was a great day!

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