Thursday 28 June 2012

His Little Feet

Yesterday we had a very special treat. An orphan choir called His Little Feet gave their final concert here in the Ellerslie chapel. But before that, all 14 of the choir members got baptized here in the lake. It was the biggest celebration at a baptism I have ever attended. 

His Little Feet is an orphan advocacy ministry run by Mike and Christa Hahn, who live here in Windsor, CO, and are friends of Eric and Leslie Ludy. God called them to this ministry about 4 years ago, and every year they bring a group of kids to the US for a year, where they travel around the country, giving concerts.

At each concert, the audience is given the opportunity to learn more about how they can minister to the needs of orphans, including sponsoring a child through Compassion International, going as a missionary to them, and personally adopting. They show this film, which is a powerful and moving call to remember the 163 million orphans worldwide.

The atmosphere at last night's concert was poignant, uplifting, and tear-jerking. This was the last concert these kids would have before going back to their countries (Ethiopia and Honduras) and all of Ellerslie was going to miss them. There was so much love and support poured out by the Ellerslie folks, who had come to know these kids quite well over the year they have been here. There were hugs goodbye and lots of tears.

But the thing that captured my attention the most was the radiant joy on all the children's faces. They sang as a pure expression of worship, visibly lifting up their hearts to Jesus as they praised Him. All 14 of them had come to know Him during the course of the time they were here, and each one evidenced a changed life and the light of Christ shining from their faces. It was a beautiful thing to behold.

These 14 kids were only a tiny fraction of the world's orphans, but they moved all of us to care about orphans anywhere.

What are you doing to remember the fatherless?

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