Saturday 9 June 2012

Hiking Grandfather Mountain

This was pretty much our day yesterday, and what a lovely day it was!

At the beginning of the hike, before we were all tired out

See the grandfather's profile?

Our main sustenance on the hike--that and cake! Yum.

Yay! We timed it right to see the rhododendrons blooming!

Us three on top of McCrae peak, high above the much touted "mile high swinging bridge."

You can't see it, but Katherine is standing on the edge of nothing here. She almost lost her balance and fell over the cliff right after this photo was taken.

McCrae peak from a distance

Me being a daredevil

Cool parts of the trail

Lots of ladders were there to help people get over the rocks. Everyone was amazed that our dog Abbi could do these parts!

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