Thursday 31 May 2012

Painting VBS sets

Whoa... I made an 8 x 12-foot painting in just two days!

Not much to look at, but it feels like a real accomplishment and I really enjoyed myself learning to paint. I didn't know what I was doing...but hey, you just slap paint on paper and out comes a picture, right? haha...

Our VBS program has skits that require different scenery each day, so it wasn't practical to made wooden sets for the backdrop like we did last year. We're painting on butcher paper that has been joined in strips with masking tape. (How else would you get an 8 x 12-foot piece of paper?)

The one scene that will be on the wooden sets is the waterfall scene. The upside-down window at the bottom left will eventually be cut out to form the entrance to a cave.

So for the past two days I have been working at the church to try to get this stuff done. Katherine was in charge of preparing the sets, but she was quite busy and had to work a lot, so I pitched in to help her out. She's the real artist, though...

This is Katherine's gorge scene (unfinished)--something that would be waaaaaaaayyyyyy beyond my difficulty level!

Our pastor's wife, Mrs. Joyce, has also been a tireless worker and splendid organizer for this project. She was the one who painted the waterfall scene. She is artistic, practical, and fast! She accomplishes so much in such a calm, organized way, and she approaches big tasks with confidence and know-how. I love working with her!!

P.S. Yay! I successfully posted to my blog every day in the month of May!

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