Tuesday 29 May 2012

I'm going to Ellerslie!

This announcement fills me with great excitement and anticipation.

I will be spending a semester of Bible training at a program in Colorado called Ellerslie.

Oh, I am so excited about what I am going to learn, the things that God is going to do in my life, and the way I will be changed. I am going hungry and expectant for a new level of breakthrough in my Christian life. God has opened the door for this step and provided everything I need to get there. He has given me a strong desire to attend Ellerslie from the first day I heard about the program, and I am so privileged and thrilled to have this chance.

Just check out any one of the short films they have on their website for a taste of the quality of training I will be receiving. This one, for instance: 

This is a place where fervent, Biblical Christianity is alive and well. This is a place where the emphasis is on death to self and life in the resurrection power of Christ. This is a place where they know how to pray.

I have already been stirred and challenged by some of the preliminary reading I have been doing. I have been inspired by the preaching I have heard (this message and this message, for instance). And I look forward to what I will discover. I look forward to be challenged, changed, and equipped.

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