Thursday 10 May 2012

A prayer about prayer

Dear God,

If there is an area that is obvious to me as a deficit, it would be prayer. I am not as faithful as I could be, not as disciplined as I could be, not as fervent as I could be, not as delighted as I could be about prayer. So I would throw myself into that fray. I will pursue more and better prayer, more intimacy with You, and I will seek YOU, Your face, with everything that I am.

Give me the faith to approach you in prayer, reaching forward to attain the highest heights with You. Let me TRUST that even when it feels empty (or even when I predict that it will feel empty, whether that would have been reality or not) that I will pour my whole self into it anyway. Let me believe You about prayer, and DO it, whether or not I understand or like it.

Faith says prayer has a purpose, whether I see it or not, because God says so.

Obedience says "I will pray," whether I feel like it or not, because God commands me to.

Hope says, "Keep pressing in; it will get better," even when my prayers are dry.

Perseverance says, "I will not fail to pray; I will get up and do it like I would get up and go to work."

Self-Control says, "I will discipline my mind and keep it from wandering during prayer."

Zeal says, "Give it your whole heart, for the King of your heart is worthy."

Wisdom says, "I will think through my day and manage my time so as to ensure that prayer is not missed, neglected, or overlooked."

Love says, "I love the Lord, for He has won my heart, and there's nothing I will hold back from Him. If He asks prayer of me, I will gladly and lovingly render up the sweetest incense my heart can produce, because it is for the One who gave His best for me."

In Jesus's Name, Amen.

Thank you, God!

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