Saturday 5 May 2012

Trip to Malaga, Day 4

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

I got up this morning at 6:00 and shook Marieta to wake her. she murmured something and made no move to get up. I went to the salon with my Bible and started reading, and a few minutes later, Marieta appeared. We prayed together, I shared a few Scriptures, and asked her about herself, probing for what or where I could help her or teach her something. We settled on a plan to study living in the Spirit vs. the flesh tomorrow morning.

We ate breakfast at 6:45. Breakfast here is coffee and toast (white sliced bread). Yesterday they also had shredded pork and some thick orange lard that they were spreading with gusto. I ate a banana and had a cup of tea.

At 7:30 we left for the church for a devotional there. Then we went to our various jobs.

My job was calendars, but first I had to go with the girls (M and L) to a doctor's appointment for M. We got to the hospital about 9:50 and didn't leave until about 12:30, so it didn't leave enough time to do calendars. We went and had a cup of coffee and a pitufo (whoa, the best sandwich EVER! The best, tenderest baguette, with Manchego cheese, tomato sauce, and olive oil. YUM!).

Then we walked back to the church. I got talking to M. She was telling me about her boyfriend (a Betelito) and her upcoming marriage, her love of children, and how Judith (a baby of one of the other girls in the house) is the joy of her life. It was very sweet.

We got back to the church, ate lunch, and went back to the house for the siesta. The thing is, no one takes a nap. I was tired, so I laid down, but everyone else in the house was talking so loud that it was impossible to sleep.

I got talking with A (one of my other roommates) and she asked me how I decided to be a missionary. I told her the story of the New Tribes video I had seen at a CEF function, and she was overcome. "Oh my goodness," she said. "That's so powerful. I've always had a heart for people like that, ever since I was little..." And she started to cry. That opened up the door to talk about how God surely had a plan for her, and who knew how it would end up, but perhaps she would find herself working with some jungle tribe one day.

We went back to the church at 4:00, and M and I went out on the calendar campaign. We got 24 euros. It was so exciting and wonderful to be able to walk through the center of Malaga again and have a chance to see some of the places I used to go. Ah!

When we got done selling calendars, we went walking to the rastro, where Juani picked us up.

We went back to the house and ate dinner (macaroni noodles with tomato sauce and cooked, cheesy cauliflower). After dinner, Juani came up to me. "You're sharing in devotions tomorrow," she said.

"Oh cool!" I said. So I started getting stuff ready to give my "Don't be just an empty shell" speech.

I also had an excellent talk with V. She is such a dynamic, amazing woman.

Also, S started to open up to me--which surprised me, because I wouldn't have expected it...but it must be Is. 60:1-2 coming true.

I went to bed very late.

Next Post: Trip to Malaga, Day 5
First Post: Trip to Malaga, Day 1

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