Friday 28 September 2012

What to do?

Every day brings its new adventure.

One of the toddlers in the creche who has HIV got a fever and was throwing up yesterday. Any illness is very dangerous to someone with HIV, so we brought her back to Club Indigo where she could be looked at by the pediatrician and be in an air conditioned room instead of the blazing heat.

Her fever was 103.7 when we took her temperature, and that was after her temperature came down due to  an Advil and air conditioning. Her pulse was 260. Her breathing rate was 78. She lay there, listlessly, her half-closed eyes barely seeing.

We stayed up into the wee hours of the morning, trying to keep fluids down her, praying for her, and trying to make her comfortable.

What do you DO when you have no access to normal medical options? "Just take her to urgent care" isn't an option here.

At about 2:00 in the morning, after I had been praying for a good while, the Lord gave me Psalm 118:17. "I shall not die, but live, and declare the works of the LORD." Her fever broke and her heart rate went down to 110. She was able to fall asleep. We went to bed and in the morning her temperature was normal and she was no longer throwing up.

Thank God that we serve a God who is powerful!

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