Sunday 9 September 2012

My Next Step: to Haiti!

I would like to announce with great excitement that I have been accepted to serve in Haiti!

I don't know all the details yet, but here is the basic gist:

•  I am going with a group of Ellerslie alumni.
•  I will be serving in an orphanage and a Christian school, wherever I am most needed.
•  I will be leaving in the next 7-10 days (the exact date is still uncertain, because I don't have plane tickets yet).
•  I will be living in an apartment with the other Ellerslie girls.
•  The apartment is in a guarded compound called Club Indigo that is described as "posh."
•  I will have internet access and electricity but no "snail mail" (Haiti has no mail or post office system)
•  I intend to keep my blog updated as often as possible (but it may not be daily), and I intend to post lots of pictures!

In the meantime, you might want to go visit Christy's blog. She is down there at the moment, doing what I will be doing. Her writing and pictures are beautiful.


You might also like:
•  Know the People and Place Where I Will Be Serving
•  How God Called Me To Haiti
•  Dangerous

Chocolate cake with map of Haiti in buttercream frosting, courtesy of my artist sister, Katherine

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