Tuesday 25 September 2012

My new duties

Sorry about the lapse in posts. The internet has been down since last week. It goes down every time we have a thunderstorm, and so far, we've had a thunderstorm every night.

Our roles, which were somewhat up in the air at first ("just serve wherever you're most needed") have been more defined, although every day there is some new drama that arises and changes things up. Today's is that there is an abandoned hydrocephalus baby at the hospital that we are going to rescue. Hospitals don't feed people here (your relatives must take care of that for you), so until the baby gets released to the creche, we are organizing shifts of people to feed and change it. People said Haiti is unpredictable, and they were right.

Anyway, I had thought I might be assigned to work in a Christian school, and I will actually be the teacher for the older children at the creche. It is literally a one-room schoolhouse, with 15 children from age 4-12, at all different grade levels. I will be the only teacher, though Kate and Leann may assist in some ways (we haven't officially worked that out yet).

My one-room schoolhouse
When I heard that this was what I was going to do, I marveled. "Lord," I said, "What in the world? You must have looked everywhere on earth for the most challenging teaching opportunity that you could possibly give an uncertified teacher--and I am going to love it!" I was also slightly terrified. How could this ever work? But if a 15-year-old pioneer girl could do it on the prairie, then surely God can give me the strength and the grace and the resources to do it.

Yesterday I went to the creche yesterday for the first time and saw my new work. I met the kids and their current teacher, James, a Haitian who is going to the USA for 10 months to serve with His Little Feet. I saw the classroom and took a few pictures.

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