Sunday 19 May 2013

The Father's Adoption

Once upon a time, there was a kind and loving father who lived in a beautiful house in a happy and prosperous land. He looked and saw some children, and his heart beat with love and longing for them. He knew they were to be his children, and he chose them for his own family.

He visited their country, a poor place where he was deprived of all the luxuries he was used to, and spent a brief but meaningful visit with his children. How he loved them! He got all of their adoptions done, paid for them (which was not cheap), and then went back to his country for a time. He promised his children that he would come back for them.

His children loved him very much. They knew he had not abandoned them. They waited for him to come back. They would read his letters and talk to him through the wireless communication system that he designed just for them. He provided for them and sent everything they would need for their care.

His children all knew that everything would be even better when they got to go home with him. They would get to enjoy being with him all the time! They couldn't wait to love and be loved in the mutual bond that had formed in their relationship. And they knew his house was just like a castle. How they looked forward to his return!

And then, one day, he came back, and the joyful reunion took place, and they had a welcome party such as no one had ever seen before.

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The analogy of adoption rings so true for us here in Haiti, as we watch adoptive parents come and visit, be with their children for a few days, tearfully part with them, and then look forward to coming back. We can relate--because we ourselves are waiting for our Heavenly Father who is coming back for us.

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