Friday 10 May 2013

A New Writing Venture

Just for the record, I have started a new blog.

It was inspired by a post called The Single Journey that I just happened to run across in one of those internet bunny trails that seem to happen so easily. I commented on the article that "Someone who IS single needs to write a good singleness book," and then the Lord said, "Why not you?" So I embarked, not on a book, but on a blog.

The audience for my new blog will obviously be much smaller and more specific than for this blog, but if you are single or just have an interest in what I might say about it, you can visit my site at It's a brand new baby of a site--only 3 posts!--and only 2 pageviews! but I have a lot of ideas for content that I want to add, and I intend to write as regularly as possible.


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