Saturday 20 July 2013

Moving out and moving in

Ahhh... what a whirlwind. Time has flown and I have been busy.
I had to sort, de-clutter, and pack this. It was actually worse than this when I pulled everything out from the attic--there was literally no room to walk. Goodbye to my little room under the eaves with the orange wall and no window. Goodbye to (sometimes) sleeping in 98 degrees. Goodbye to after-dark chats with my sisters in the adjoining bedroom. Goodbye to the little orange half-door to the even hotter attic where all the junk usually stayed hidden. All my junk is gone, gone, gone. The clutter was oppressive and the fact that it is gone feels like freedom. (Now if I can only keep from accumulating more clutter...)

Hello to my new room. I have my own walk-in closet, my own bathroom, and a door to the patio. It's splendid.

So the bathroom needs a little love in terms of decoration, but we'll get there.

Working on the closet.

A little hideaway door at the back of the closet opens into this nice extra storage space for bins and winter clothes. 

Patio door

The patio that my door leads to

The dazzling view from the patio (gotta love the dinosaur and cow...)

The kitchen...can't wait to use this for hospitality! 

Regarding the kitchen, I have had little bit of shock in discovering all the things I didn't realize I needed until I wanted them and they weren't there. The first day it was salt. The second day it was a rolling pin, measuring cups and spoons, and baking powder. But thanks to Wal-Mart, Target, and some yard sales, I'm getting adjusted and equipped. 

It's such a risky, crazy, scary thing that I have done. I have no idea what is going to happen. Here I am. All I can do is be obedient. I am in the Lord's hands, going at His bidding and totally excited to see what the future holds. 

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