Monday 10 December 2012

Ruins at Club Indigo

The residential apartments here at Club Indigo apparently got damaged in the earthquake, and no one has repaired them since. I took a little stroll through the third floor balcony of these apartments, looking in the rooms to see if there was anything in them, and it was quite the fun photo shoot!

Doesn't this kind of thing just stimulate your imagination with the stories that could be written? Wouldn't it be fun to create a whole elaborate world of characters and background, and then make it into a movie or illustrate your book with these photos? (Of course, it would have to be a proper photographer who gets the light right and everything, but ahh... the possibilities are endless.)

Something like this...

The three children crept cautiously up the stairs, knowing that they could be watched, but determined to find the treasure that their map had led them to expect would be here. They looked over their shoulder with every rustling branch and tried to tiptoe through the crackling leaves that littered the balconies. Thick, lush trees had invaded with their green branches, and a thick carpet of leaves and seed pods rested there, seemingly untouched by human footfalls for years.

"What was that?" Andrea whispered between clenched teeth. All three children froze. If anyone was following them, it would be easy enough for him to duck into any one of the open rooms that they were passing and remain undetected. No one spoke. They cautiously peered in all directions. Not a sound was to be heard, so they pressed onward.

"I think this is it," Snyder said under his breath. The children paused before a rotten, warped old door. They took a deep breath. Would their long search at last come to an end?  Without touching the door, they slipped inside and looked around.

Inside the room was a pile of rubble. "I don't know if this is safe," Preston said. He was always looking out for the safety of the group. "This whole structure could be unstable."

"Oh, let's not worry about that," Andrea said. "If it has stood all this time, surely it's not going to crumble any more under our weight. I vote we dig through the rubble. The treasure must be buried under here somewhere!"

Disregarding the gathering darkness, the children plunged in with a will, setting to work removing the stones and chunks of debris. It was hard, backbreaking work, requiring them to move the pieces from one part of the room to another in order to ensure that they had thoroughly searched each part of the floor. Their fingers ached and their hands were rubbed raw.

Suddenly there was a loud crash from outside.

Snyder went to look. A piece of the railing had fallen over, its rotten pillars finally giving way under the weight of time and decay. He breathed a sigh of relief and reported to the other two what had happened.

"That's not good," Preston said. "A railing doesn't just fall over. We have been shifting the weight of this whole pile of rubble from one part of the floor to another. We know the structure is unsound."

The children agreed to be extra careful as they continued to search through the debris.

Suddenly, there was a glint! A flash of metal. A bit of smooth wood. A chest! The children cleared away the last remaining bits of stones and dust and pulled the chest over into the light. It was heavy.

(Something like that.) 

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