Saturday 18 August 2012

His Little Feet 5K

Saturday I ran and walked a 5K race on behalf of His Little Feet. His Little Feet is an international children's choir that sings to raise awareness for adoption and orphan advocacy. Children come from orphanages in various countries in the world, spend a year here, and travel to churches, singing the most beautiful praise to Jesus!

The 5K race was to bring in the funds needed for the next group of kids to come over. Our registration fees and the sponsorships we collected all went on behalf of getting passports and visas for children from Ethiopia, Haiti, and India to come over.

Riding the His Little Feet bus to the race 

Our lovely volunteers at the registration tables

"You think you're going to beat ME?"

Mike Hahn (director of His Little Feet) explaining the race course

Students listen in as we prepare to begin.

Just look at all those orange shirts! Yes!

We raised over $9000 for His Little Feet, which fell short of their goal of $15,000.

The fellowship, support, and camaraderie in the race was a great thing. It was so cool to know the name of almost every person I passed, or that passed me.

I walked the first few minutes and then ran about half the distance. Then I walked and ran and walked and ran to the end, and finished off with a great sprint. It was fun. I was surprised at how much I could run, considering that I hadn't trained and that I was on the third day of a fast.

I felt like the race symbolized the way I want to live my life. Lord, spare me from self-preservation! When my strength is failing and I have a long way to go, Lord, be my energy. When I am pushed beyond the brink of impossible and I still have to keep going, Lord, be my strength.

I felt divinely upheld and infused with supernatural ability as I ran, and I did the entire course in a state of conscious dependence and drawing on Him for grace. It was really cool to actually receive grace and power that was beyond my own ability! God is faithful.

Afterward we ate bananas and bagels and talked and visited while we waited for the walkers to finish. Yum!

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