Saturday 21 July 2012

A year's worth of growth in a week?

Okay, maybe not quite a year, but I have been astounded at how fast we are learning and growing here, and it motivated me to make some calculations which help to explain what's going on in our lives.

Imparted Truth
Most people have about a 30-minute message once a week on Sunday mornings. Here, our sessions are  generally 2 hours long. Therefore, each session is worth about a month of growth. We have at least 10 sessions a week, so that's like 10 months of growth every week, and on top of that we have our reading assignments and writing projects, which add to our learning. 

A little over a week ago, God asked me to pray 3 hours each day. Before coming to Ellerslie, my average prayer life was more like 5 minutes a day. So in 3 hours, I get about 36 days of prayer done in one day. In a week, that's worth 252 days of 5-minute-a-day prayers, or a little over 8 months.

No wonder we're growing fast!

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