Wednesday 4 January 2012

Cervantes's Birthplace

The other day I got to go to Alcalá de Henares, which is the birthplace of Cervantes (famous author of Don Quijote). 

Jail window (not currently in use)

The clock struck twelve just as we were approaching, marking the last 12 hours of 2011.  

Instead of sitting with Santa, Spanish children go tell their wishes to the wise men. 

YUM! Porros are fried twists of deliciousness. :-)  

This design was at the top of an arched doorway entering the plaza Cervantes.

Typical Spanish street

Me in an old Spanish hospital

O and me with Don Quijote and Sancho Panza

Geraniums blooming on Dec 31!

Inside of the cathedral in Alcalá

Pipe organ in the cathedral. Someone was playing Christmas carols on the dulcimer when we went in, which was very beautiful, but I would have loved to hear the organ.  

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