Monday 5 December 2011

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Didn’t get up for my devotions
Got to breakfast late
Got to devotions late and got scolded for it
Left for the church
F and I went to her doctor’s appointment
Cleaned all the bathrooms and Sunday School classrooms in the church
Ate lunch (sausage links and mashed potatoes…how’s that for a Thanksgiving dinner?)
Talked with Elliott Tepper. He showed me a bunch of pictures in his office. One was of Norman Grubb at age 98. He also gave me a copy of the book Rescue Shop within a yard of Hell.
Went with F to her second doctor’s appointment
Talked with my family on Skype (and Irina, too!)
Went with F to give out flyers about Betel’s dentist clinic
Left the Betel center and rode in the van while we drove around a long time looking for two different stops where we had to pick up some girls.
Dinner & bed

Next Post: Friday, November 25, 2011
Previous Post: Wednesday, November 23, 2011
First Post: My first day

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