Monday 14 November 2011

Some of my travels

First leg of the journey: Fly to Chicago. My flight left at 6:00 am and I slept like a baby the whole entire way. I don't have any pictures of that.

Once in Chicago, I had about 9 hours to kill. I enjoyed visiting the Urban Garden they had there in the airport.

They use these herbs and plants in the restaurants in the airport. What a great concept. 

Second leg of the journey: fly to London. I had to laugh when I saw this sign on the airport wall:
Third leg of the journey: Fly to Madrid. I was greeted by two girls from the house where I will be living, and they brought me back to the Betel headquarters in a big white van similar to this one. 
Now I'm in the dining room of the Betel center, where I have eaten lunch and now I'm just sitting around doing my emailing and blogging for the week. 

I don't know when I'll have my next internet access, but I'll keep track of what I'm doing in a written journal, and then perhaps do several days' worth of blog posts in one chunk. 

There will be more photos forthcoming! 

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