Saturday 19 April 2008

The Most Productive Day Of My Life

Unsurpassed as of 7/7/13. I did all this in one day.

  • Made breakfast
  • Took the dogs out, fed them, etc.
  • Planted two rows of corn
  • Memorized 2 Corinthians 5:1-3
  • Spent a couple of hours online
  • Made a pot of chai tea
  • Talked to Rosie on the phone quite a long time
  • Practiced piano and memorized first three pages of Brahms’s Rhapsody, something I have not been able to do with any piece for a long time, yet the memorization was almost effortless today.
  • Cleaned the bathtub, shower curtain, bathroom sink, & mirror
  • Went through the hall closet, found receipt book, organized stuff in boxes & put them all back neatly, put all the coats back (they had been in James’ room for 2 weeks)
  • Vacuumed living room, dining room, kitchen, bathroom, & laundry room
  • Went through boxes in the attic, got out summer clothes, put back winter clothes
  • Organized my closet, put winter shoes in boxes, got out summer shoes
  • Returned to attic all odds & ends (like the embossing heat tool for stamping) that belonged there
  • Took care of all the piles of paper sitting around in my room
  • Got my top mirror dresser drawer cleaned out (***YAY!***) from all the junk it had accumulated over about 2 years
  • Dusted top of bookshelves & re-did it with my Spain towel on top
  • Organized music books from 3 different locations into one neat spot with bookends
  • Read a chapter of Created to Be His Help Meet
  • Emailed Rosie about 30 pictures of recent things we have been doing
  • Picked grass and pet our neighbor’s horses
  • Made dinner
  • Took care of dogs
  • Fed fish

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