Monday, 26 January 2004

China Trip: The rest of the week

Monday, January 26, 2004

It was classes as usual. I don’t really remember anything notable that happened. I didn’t really know how to get my students talking. If I did it again, I would stop worrying so much about them needing to save face. Making a mistake when speaking English was so frightening to them that it kept them from speaking it at all. I felt bad that after I finally figured out what my students needed, I didn’t succeed very well in giving it to them.

My class demonstrating the song we learned as a group

Music class--one of our group classes

Tuesday, January 27, 2004
This was a very good day, because I got a teaching assistant! At first, there were not enough teaching assistants, so the green classes did not get one, since they were less likely to need an interpreter. Her name was May, she liked to play the piano, and she taught at a primary school for 3 and 4 year old children. She was so much fun to be around! I was very happy to have her help in my class. The only problem was, I felt bad when I was teaching and she was just sitting there in the room with nothing to do.

May and I rode her moped over to the hotel afterward and we went over lesson plans together. She also took me to a shop where I was able to buy some yarn. [Ha--I still haven't used most of that yarn--and it's 2012!]

I talked with Linda about wide ranging issues. She took me out to this little cafe to get milk tea. What funny tapioca balls it had in it!

I went out to lunch with Sabrina, Ira, and Audry. They brought me to the area of the market I hadn’t been to before, treated me to lunch, and gave me a cute little set of teapots.

Wednesday, January 28, 2004
Every day we have a large group class after the small classes are over. The skits, stories and games we did with the kids were hilarious! Telephone charades was one that had the usually-reserved kids just roaring with laughter.

It was my turn again for the evening classes. We did games like scattergories & charades.

Thursday, January 29, 2004

My class

Friday, January 30, 2004

Our last day. May let me ride her "electric bicycle" (moped). That was fun. I also went to a job fair with her because she was looking for a job.

All the time we were there, we were treated like celebrities. The local news crew came out more than once to film us, and we appeared on television (but I never got to see it).

Marie and I rode a rickshaw to MingTien Coffee Language! We got more milk tea and said goodbye to May and Cherry.

Saturday, January 31, 2004

We flew home.

This is the last post in this series.
Previous Post: Second week of English Camps
First Post: Pre-departure excitement

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